Friday, March 9, 2012

Show me

Show me you love me show me you care! I've done everything for you. I send you packages and love notes. I wait for you and comfort you. I've given you my heart. In return I get words. They are appreciated but a girl needs more every now and then. An action to show that I mean more to you then to have me there to do what you dont want to. It it easy and becomes habit to say "i love you"..."iloveu"... "loveu"..."loves"... Slowly I vanish and not worth the time to find the buried worries of my heart. "whatever"... My heart is breaking.... I need you... where has your love gone. you where becoming my prince, but not I see that the true you is coming out. Was it an act when you brought me flowers, watched me sleep with love in your eyes and heart? So easy it seem to have become to just brush me off your shoulder. Your only there when you want to be. I do all that you want because I want to make you happy. I want to do those things to make you happy because it make me happy to make you happy. In turn I want to do the things that you want me to do. Simple act that take a little extra time a thought. Simply show me you love me. You care for me. Your there when I need you and tears fall. For they fall now and you are no where to be found. I love you... wont you love me in return. For better or worse I will always be there for you and love you. I know you do just... Please show me I'm loved and cared about.

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